Gallery » ASIA/SOUTH PACIFIC » Round the World 2016 - Southeast Asia » Siem Reap » 11.13. Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is said to be the largest religious monument in the world.  It definitely is one of the most impressive of the temples in the Angkor Archaeological Park and provides an amazing example of the brilliance of Khmer art and engineering.   Angkor means “city” and Wat means “temple” – so Angkor Wat literally means “City Temple”.  Construction of Angkor Wat took only ~40 years. To give some perspective, the construction of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris – built around the same time – took 182 years.  So, this construction was completed at an amazing rate of speed.  The Angkor Wat moat is not just there for security, water source, or even aesthetic value. The moat forms part of a complex groundwater system that helps stabilize the temple foundations through seasonal flooding and drought.  It definitely is an impressive and amazing site!  Click on the first image to begin.


Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat